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Objectifs Film Library


Objectifs Film Library

The Objectifs Film Library is an education and resource hub with four components:

1. The Library Collection: An extensive compilation of shorts will be housed at Objectifs through a secure online platform. This is a free resource for people to access physically (on site) at Objectifs. In addition, selected films will be available for rent all around the world.

2. Objectifs Film Club: A bi-monthly online meet-up to highlight shorts from our region. The filmmakers and a speaker from a different field to share about their films, craft, and discuss challenges and recent trends. Collaborations with other film organisations/events featuring different short film talks will be held too.

3. Objectifs Short Film Incubator: 1.5 month-long workshop that focuses on developing a short film script. The incubator provides filmmakers valuable support and network while they work on their shorts. The program is open to Singapore and Southeast Asian filmmakers working with moving images. As part of the Incubator, we also conduct free online talks by experienced filmmakers from around the world.

4. Educational Resource: An educational resource package for schools and institutions, featuring selected short films from the Library Collection, with an analytical synopsis for each film.